Nov. 2, 2011 — San Mateo Daily Journal offices
Present: Darryl Compton, Micki Carter, Antonia Ehlers, Laura Dudnick, Marshall Wilson, Ed Remitz. Absent: Jon Mays, Kristy Blackburn, Melissa McRobbie, Peter Cleaveland, Dave Price
The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. by Marshall.
MINUTES: September minutes Approved as submitted.
FINANCIALS: Darryl reported that the Boot Camp refreshments cost $250.38, but we received a $100 donation from SFBAPPA through Paul Sakuma. He said he hasn’t received any receipts from the picnic yet, so the costs for it remain at zero.
Darryl reported that membership is up to 140. The report was accepted as presented.
BOOT CAMP: ed reported that everyone at the College of San Mateo was happy with the way the event went. He added that the club will not be charged for any services since the event was considered to be co-sponsored by The San Matean.
Micki estimated that 167 students attended from the following schools: Sequoia, Serra, Burlingame, Carlmont, Gunn, San Mateo, Notre Dame, Aragon, Washington Fremont, Mercy, Mills, Santa Clara, Jefferson, Eastside Prep and Summit Prep. There didn’t appear to be any glitches and everyone felt the “bookended” presentations (speaker R.B.Brenner and the student panel) worked very well. It was suggested that we try to book Jim Wagstaffe now and choose our date for next year around his availability. Topics suggested for next year: AP style, ethics and video-editing.
Micki noted that Dave Price suggested posting speaker handouts on our website along with links to resources.
BOARD ELECTION: Officers and board members for the coming year were discussed. Marshall agreed to continue as president for a second year, and Ed will continue as treasurer. Since Micki is leaving the board, Antonia volunteered to be secretary. Marshall will contact Melissa to see if she wants to continue as vice president and Dave and Peter to see if they will continue as directors. There will be at least one open director’s slot.
As far as committee assignments, Micki will be giving up responsibilities for the newsletter, high school awards and high school Boot Camp. Ed agreed to take on the Boot Camp and Laura will assume the production of the newsletter after the next edition. Antonia will assist Darryl with the high school competition.
The ballot will be distributed with the newsletter next week, and returns will be counted for the annual meeting Dec. 14.
CHRISTMAS PARTY: The party will be in the Janet Parker Beck Press Room at the Hall of Justice from 6-8 p.m. Dec. 14. This will also be the club’s annual meeting.
SAN MATEO TIMES WAKE Micki announced that the wake at The Broadway in Redwood City was a great success. More than 45 people attended.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Micki Carter, Secretary