Sept. 12, 2012, San Mateo Daily Journal offices
PRESENT: Darryl Compton, Melissa McRobbie, Antonia Ehlers, Peter Cleaveland, Dave Price, Jon Mays, Marshall Wilson, Ed Remitz, Kristy Blackburn, Laura Dudnick.
The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m.
MEMBERSHIP AND FINANCE: Darryl reported on finance and membership. The club is slightly in the red by $632.
AWARDS BANQUET DEBRIEF: The board was happy with the outcome of the awards dinner. The turnout was impressive, as were the variation of awards and categories. The one drawback to the current venue is loud music from the adjoining ballroom. We discussed the possibility of changing venues next year, possibly to the Elks Club, the Basque Cultural Center or Poplar Creek, depending on cost.
RECRUITMENT FOR OPENING ON BOARD: There is one seat open on the board. The board discussed potential candidates and recruiting a new member. Marshall will take the lead on recruitment.
COLLEGE OF SAN MATEO JOURNALISM PROGRAM UPDATE: Board members are disappointed about the cancellation of the CSM journalism program and The San Matean. Board members voted 7-0 to oppose the decision, with Ed Remitz abstaining and Jon Mays exempt.
Board members wish to issue the following statement:
- “Directors of the San Francisco Peninsula Press Club board are disappointed about the cancellation of journalism classes at CSM. We have questions regarding the decision-making process that led to the elimination of the program, and are asking for a revival of the program at the school. Members of the board are deeply concerned about the future of journalism for Peninsula college students and hope to work with the CSM administration to find solutions.”
HIGH SCHOOL JOURNALISM BOOT CAMP OCT. 26: The Boot Camp is scheduled for Oct. 26 at the College of San Mateo. The board agreed to ask attorney Jim Wagstaffe to be the keynote speaker again. Antonia suggested journalist Greg Vistica as a back up. Kristy will develop a panel of high school students. Board members discussed workshop topics and logistics.
ANNUAL PICNIC: The annual picnic will be from 1 to 4 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 23, at Darryl Compton’s house. All local journalists are invited to attend. Darryl will take care of the barbecue, and guests are asked to bring a side dish or a dessert.
OTHER BUSINESS: Antonia spoke about a new book that is about to be released, “The Four Gifts: How One Priest Received a Second, Third, and Fourth Chance at Life,” by Father Joe Bradley. According to Antonia, it is a remarkable journey about the human spirit. Father Joe, who inspires so many as a priest at St. Gregory Parish and as the Chaplain of Serra, also is a recipient of a heart transplant.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Antonia Ehlers, Secretary