Feb. 13. 2013 — San Mateo Daily Journal offices
PRESENT: Laura Dudnick, Kristi Blackburn, Darryl Compton, Jon Mays, Marshall Wilson, Ed Remitz, Melissa McRobbie, Dave Price and Antonia Ehlers. Guest: Jim Henderson, KHMB Radio.
The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m.
MEMBERSHIP AND FINANCE: Darryl reported on finance and membership.
CALL FOR ENTRIES OUTREACH UPDATE: The board discussed reaching out to local news publications, making sure that people know about the Press Club Awards and encouraging them to enter. Board members agreed to reach out to journalists they know and a few had lists.
AWARDS BANQUET: Board members agreed on a target date of June 15. They also agreed to authorize Marshall to contact Dave Perlman, a San Francisco Chronicle science writer, with a lifetime achievement award.
NEWSLETTER STATUS: The board discussed effective communication with the newsletter, and possibly looking into Constant Contact. The cost would be approximately $500 per year.
CSM JOURNALISM UPDATE: Marshall, Dave and Jon met with Michael Claire and Susan Estes. They discussed the idea of combining CSM’s journalism program with Skyline’s. Classes would most likely be held at Skyline. The next step is to gauge the interest of Skyline instructors. Board members mentioned that it would be ideal if Canada could have a similar program for students who live farther south. The group agreed to continue discussions on ways to revive journalism at CSM.
SCHOLARSHIP FUND CONTRIBUTIONS: Marshall announced that thanks to Scott Summerfield of SAE Communications, $595 had been donated to the club’s high school and college scholarship fund. Summerfield held a workshop for about 45 public information officers and others from local governments. Rather than charge for his time, Summerfield asked that the participants consider donating to the scholarship fund as he fully support’s the club’s mission. The club expects additional donations will arrive by check. The Board thanked Summerfield for his contributions to the future of journalism education.
The meeting was adjourned at 8 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Antonia Ehlers, Secretary