May 14, 2014, 6:30 p.m., San Mateo Daily Journal offices
PRESENT: Peter Cleaveland, Darryl Compton, Antonia Ehlers, John Mays, Dave Price, Ed Remitz, Marshall Wilson, Jim Watson and Jane Northrup ABSENT: Kristy Blackburn, Laura Dudnick
NEW MEMBERS: Antonia emailed a ballot to the board regarding the two director vacancies, and the board voted unanimously to elect Jim Watson of the Foster City Islander and Jane Northrup of the Pacifica Tribune as directors. The board welcomed the two new members with enthusiasm.
FINANCE/MEMBERSHIP: Darryl submitted the Finance Statement to the board. He noted that Hillsdale Shopping Center will cover the cost of the high school contest plagues. Peter moved and Marshall seconded the acceptance of the finance report, and it was approved unanimously by the board.
AWARDS BANQUET: Antonia went over the list of presenters at the May 31 banquet.
UPCOMING CONTESTS: Darryl said judges are needed for upcoming contests from Houston and New Orleans.
HIGH SCHOOL CONTEST AND SCHOLARSHIPS: The high school contests will be presented May 16 at the San Mateo County History Museum (the old courthouse). Ed suggested we send a survey to past scholarship recipients to see what they’re doing now. Marshall moved to rename the high school contest in honor of Jack Russell. Peter seconded and it was approved unanimously by the board.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:52 p.m. Minutes taken by Secretary Dave Price.