Aug. 13, 2014, 6:30 p.m., Celia’s Restaurant, San Mateo
PRESENT: Kristy Blackburn, Darryl Compton, Laura Dudnick, Antonia Ehlers, Jane Northrup, Dave Price, Ed Remitz. ABSENT: Jon Mays, Peter Cleaveland, Marshall Wilson, Jim Watson.
FINANCE/MEMBERSHIP: Darryl indicated there was no change since last month.
HIGH SCHOOL BOOT CAMP: It will be Sept. 26 from 12:30 to 5 p.m. at CSM. The idea of merging the boot camp with the J-Day event sponsored by the Journalism Education Association, Northern California (JEANC) won’t happen this year. Kristy, who is apart of JEANC, said that they won’t have a J-Day next year, just a session for advisers. So we’ll consider the idea of merging our boot camp with J-Day in 2016.
Jane, Kristy and Antonia will take on the task of contacting high school advisers about the boot camp.
GRANT PROPOSAL FROM THE TALON STAFF AT LOS ALTOS HIGH SCHOOL: The board unanimously voted to provide a $350 grant for apparatus that will enable students to use their smartphones to shoot high-quality news video. There was some discussion about whether the club, with its revenues declining should be making grants. It was agreed that the board would talk about its finances at next month’s meeting.
NEWSLETTER: Laura suggested that the club scrap the newsletter and use Facebook instead. The idea was unanimously approved. Members who receive the emailed newsletter will be notified about the change. Laura volunteered to take on the task of posting information on Facebook.
STEVE O’DONOGHUE’S PROPOSAL FOR A STATEWIDE JOURNALISM ALLIANCE: Directors received an email Aug. 5 about the alliance. O’Donoghue will provide more information at a meeting at the Marines Memorial in SF on Dec. 4.
O’Donoghue stated: “I am in conversations with CNPA about a concept where there would be one umbrella journalism organization for the entire state, horizontally and vertically. That is, high school, community college, university and professional levels, educators, reporters, publishers. The idea is each individual entity would remain autonomous in terms of its mission and activities, but combine for business and advancement of the cause. E.g., one large non-profit where we pool endowments, investments, to increase revenue. We share services (e.g., conference booking, registration), combine for First Amendment fights regardless of level, and perhaps set up regional groups to improve resources for far flung corners of the state.”
Directors said they were open to the idea, although Dave wondered what it would cost.
JOURNALISM CONTEST JUDGING: Darryl said we would get entries from Florida in September.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Minutes taken by Secretary Dave Price.