July 16, 2014, 6:30 p.m., Celia’s Restaurant, San Mateo
PRESENT: Kristy Blackburn, Peter Cleaveland, Darryl Compton, Laura Dudnick, Antonia Ehlers, Jane Northrup, Dave Price, Ed Remitz, Marshall Wilson, Jim Watson. ABSENT: Jon Mays
GREATER BAY AREA JOURNALISM AWARDS DEBRIEF: Laura said that we should get a photographer for next year and that we shouldn’t read the names of people who aren’t present. There was also talk of the Mariachi band next door. The board agreed that we should investigate other venues. Dave was going to check into the Poplar Creek Golf Club and Antonia would get information about the Elks Club.
FINANCE/MEMBERSHIP: Finance statement showed a $13,211.78 balance for all accounts. Membership stands at 169.
HIGH SCHOOL BOOT CAMP: Marshall reports that CSM has offered two dates, Sept. 21 and Oct. 3. Sept. 21 was the board’s first choice. Directors agreed to contact high school advisers. Antonia asked Laura to be the key note speaker.
The board talked about break out sessions. Marshall suggested a session for advisers.
FRESH IDEAS FOR UPCOMING YEAR: Ed proposed mentoring for high school newspaper advisers by the club’s advisers.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:08 p.m. Minutes taken by Secretary Dave Price.