Meeting via teleconference, Oct. 21 at 3 p.m.
Present: Antonia Ehlers, Ed Remitz, Dave Price, Jim Watson, Carla Worfolk, Edrie Blackwelder. Absent: Jim Henderson, Peter Cleaveland, Jane Northrop, Marshall Wilson.
Greater Bay Area Journalism Contest: The general consensus of the board is that the club would mail certificates to the winners. Antonia will handle the printing. Board members will meet at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 29, at Serra High School’s conference room to stuff envelopes.
Executive Director: The board discussed plans for next year’s executive director. The board has been approached by Terry Williams, executive director of the San Diego Press Club, who offered to manage both contests next year for a fee of $2000. Williams works for four press clubs across the country. Further discussion is needed.
Tax-Exempt Matters: Edrie pointed out that the club can’t solicit grants or sponsorships without regaining its nonprofit status. Jim and Dave agreed to look into this. Edrie also said that the club should obtain errors and omissions insurance for directors. Others on the call agreed with that idea.
High School Bootcamp: Ed said the event for high school students will take place in late April or early May.
Scholarships: Ed provided an update on students who had received press club scholarships.
Addendum: In the past couple of months, Melissa McRobbie, Aimee Lewis Strain and Laura Dudnick have left the board. The board, communicating through email, has selected the following people to serve as directors — Edrie Blackwelder, Carla De Luca Worfolk and Michael Howerton.
Meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by Secretary Dave Price.