Earlier this month, the SF Press Club launched a new website to help us better communicate with our members and the local Bay Area journalism community. The new url is sfpressclub.org.
The new site features:
- A big graphic area at the top to promote our upcoming events
- Headlines with links to Press Club news and general Bay Area media news
- Individual stories are easier to read and span most of the page.
- The website is responsive and works better on mobile and tablets
- A modern design and platform
- The ability to add your email address to our mailing list, so you can get club announcements about contests and events delivered to your inbox
- A calendar section
- Separate listings for stories about our Journalism Awards and High School Boot Camp with links to award winners from prior years in the sidebar
- A search function to help find previous stories
- Links to our Facebook and Twitter accounts
All the articles from our prior website have been moved to the new site.
If you want to share some news or have an event for our calendar, send the information to tips at sfpressclub.org or use our Contact Us page form.
The website was designed by SF Press Club Board Member Jon Orlin. It uses open-source WordPress software, the Ultra Premium theme, and SiteOrigin widgets.