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December 2018 Press Board Minutes

Minutes for 12-13-18 meeting held at Luceti’s on 25th
Call to order 6:00 pm
In attendance: Jim Kirkland, Antonia Ehlers, Dave Price, Ed Remitz, Bill Parks, Jane Northrop, James Henderson
Minutes approval of last meeting held to next meeting
General discussion about the awards dinner was very positive. The venue remains popular and our guest speaker was amazing. Agreed that we will keep the venue for next year. Idea: should we reach out to winners and congratulate them afterwards?
New prospective board members, Sean McClain Brown and Curtis Sparrer, will be voted on at our next meeting after the board has had a chance to meet them.
Membership: need to set a date to hold a conference call with Terry Williams concerning ideas to solicit new members. Terry will be calling our membership list. Thought is to get members to begin paying an annual membership fee. Fee needs to be determined.
Jim Kirkland suggests making a brochure to hand out as well as a pdf that can be emailed. Small networking gatherings in the South Bay, Mid Bay and SF suggested as a way to get more members. Needs more discussion.
Ideas for future events: Should we hold our own high school Boot Camp or continue to work through the JEA event was discussed. No determination was made but it seems we would prefer to hold our own. Location and date are important decisions if so. Other ideas were perhaps we could sponsor TED like talks or speakers. How often and where? Would Stanford U. make space for us?
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm

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