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January 30 2020 Press Club Board Minutes

Minutes from phone meeting January 30, 2020  5:30pm
In attendance: Jim Kirkland, Dave Price Edrie Blackwater, Alexis Terrasas, Bill Parks, Ed Remitz, Jane Northrop
Call to order
Item 1: Discussed changing of membership pricing and voted to change to the following annual structure:
$25 student
$45 professional
$35 senior (70+)
Item 2: Reviewed First Amendment Coalition (FAC) proposed panel discussion. Board is in favor of the topic: Sunshine Session: What everyone should know about accessing public records in California.
In addition to FAC executive director David Snyder the board recommends the addition of Dave Price and Alex Emslie of KQED to also be on the panel. Alexis will confirm with Emslie if he is willing to participate.
Proposed date is March 11 at San Francisco City College. Juan Gonzalez is working on a venue there.
Item 3: Bill Parks and Ed Remitz will pull together an outline for the next panel discussion which we hope to hold in late April.
Item 4:  Board agrees to move our annual contest and dinner to September. Jim Kirkland will look into a new possible venue and connect with Terry Williams about the change.
Item 5:  Jim Kirkland will send out an email to the board to get a vote on whether or not the Club should carry insurance.

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