Present: Curtis Sparrer. Dan Rosenheim, Juan Gonzales, Daniel Brown, Jim Henderson, David Price, Riut Jha, Jane Northrop, Antonia Ehlers, Ed Remitz & Kevin Fagan
Jim has resigned from the board, but he still wants to help in any way he can. The Board agreed to utilize Jim as a resource and acknowledged his valuable contribution over the years.
The Board approved a Bocop offer to cover the cost of updating the SFPC website. Bocop will modernize the website and attempt to incorporate social media elements. Any proposed changes will need the approval of the Board before being implemented.
Antonia Ehlers will approach Kaiser about being a sponsor. Dan Rosenheim will draft a template proposal for use in our efforts to secure sponsors. Any secured funds will likely be used for internships, fellowships, journalism awards, and public events.
Curtis Sparrer offered to reach out the public relations community as possible SFPC members. Daniel Brown and Antonia Ehlers will review our bylaws to clarify PR membership and propose any possible adjustments.
Daniel Brown and Antonia Ehlers will review Article III of our bylaws to see if any changes are needed. Board members are encouraged to access the SFPC bylaws at .
The Board agreed to host a membership recruitment mixer in March. A committee comprised of Dan Rosenheim, Juan Gonzales, Jane Northrop and Ed Remitz will propose a plan at our next meeting.
Feb. 28, 2022
5-6 p.m.