Present: Juan Gonzales, Dave Price, Ed Remitz, Curtis Sparrer, Jane Northrop, Daniel Brown, Dan Rosenheim, Ritu Ja, & Antonia Ehlers
Absent: Kevin Fagan & Jim Henderson
Guest: Emily Tenorio Molina
Dave Price reported that the SFPC Chase banking account was hacked to the tune of $500. He filed a complaint with the bank and it was reproted to the police. Dave said the bank will replace the money that was stolen by a hacker. He said we should consider moving our account to another bank. The Board will have a discussion on his prooposal at our next meeting.
Antonia Ehlers introduced Emily Tenorio Molina to the Board. She worked as a public relations intern at Kaiser Permanente Medial Center. She wants to be a journalist and will be applying to the UCB journalism grad program for Fall 2023. Emily seeks an intersnhip with SFPC. The Board acknowleged the need for an intern to write stories for the SFPC website and/or help with our journalism awards contest. It ws suggested that before hiring anyone, the Board need to figure out what would be the duties of an intern and develop the internal structure to oversee the intern. Antonia agreed to draft an internship plan for dicussion at our next Board meeting.
Discussion on how many new members we currently have and what benefits do offer new members was tabled to the next Board meeting.
Dave Price reported that he needs an invoice from BNC to pay for their services that involves collecting entries and fees. Last year we paid BNC $2,875. He said he also needs an invoice from Terry to run our contest. In 2021 we paid about $1,371. Antonia Ehlers will ask Terry for a listing last year’s contest categories for our review. Antonia is not available this year to assist Terry, so the Board needs to figure at our next meeting who from the Board will be our lisason with Terry.
5 p.m.