Dec. 8, 2010 — Janet Parker Beck Press Room, Hall of Justice
Present: Jon Mays, Micki Carter, Melissa McRobbie, Dave Price, Jamie White,
Darryl Compton, Marshall Wilson. Absent: Kristy Blackburn, Peter Cleaveland, Dave Price, Antonia Ehlers
The Annual Meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. The meeting was scheduled as part of the Holiday Party which Marshall coordinated with the County of San Mateo.
Financial Report: Darryl reported income of $17,702.71 and expenses of $26,963.87 over the past year. We have $16,925.57 in checking and $11,077.50 in savings. The scholarship fund 501(c)(3) has $7,019.32. Darryl noted that the decision to award $6,000 in scholarships this year instead of $3,000 and past scholarships of $5,500 claimed this year accounted for most of the red ink.
Membership: We currently have 132 members, up three from last year.
Review of past year: Jon reviewed a long list of activities in 2010 and previewed plans for 2011.
Election results
- Ballots were counted and the following elected:
- • Marshall Wilson, president
- • Melissa McRobbie, vice president
- • Ed Remitz, treasurer
- • Micki Carter, secretary
- • Jon Mays, immediate past president
- • Kristy Blackburn, Antonia Ehlers and Jamie Casini White, directors with terms of two years.
The Annual Meeting was adjourned and Jon opened a short board meeting at 6:30 p.m.
Minutes of November were approved.
Open directorship: The board appointed Dave Price as a director (and web master!) to fill the slot left open by Melissa’s election as vice president.
Regular meeting date: Marshall will e-mail directors and officers to find a more suitable date for meetings to that Kristy and Ed are more likely to be able to attend. For the time being, we will continue to meet in the San Mateo Daily Journal board room.
Journalism Contest Fees: Current fees are $15 per entry for members and $55 per entry for non-members. The board chose not to raise fees but to seek to reduce costs by cutting plaque expenses and perhaps limiting plaques to first and second place. Dave suggested that the Call for Entries should note that entry may be waived at the discretion of the executive director or board when financial need is demonstrated. The motion passed.
Membership renewals: The board voted to continue membership donations to the California First Amendment Coalition, California Aware and the Student Press Law Center.
Other Business: Paul Sakuma urged the board to consider offering a Boot Camp like the High School Journalism event to college students. Jon said he would speak to Ed Remitz and Jennifer Aquino, president of the California College Media Association, about what training possibilities are currently available for two-year and four-year college journalism students.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Micki Carter, Secretary