Jan. 13, 2010 — Board room San Mateo Daily Journal. The meeting was called to order at 6:45 p.m. Present: Jon Mays, Ed Remitz, Peter Cleaveland, Marshall Wilson, Antonia Ehlers, Kristy Blackburn, Darrly Compton. Melissa McRobbie, Micki Carter, Jamie Casini, Dave Price
Board approves minutes of December Meeting.
Motion to approve Finance and Membership Report
Discussion of categories for annual awards contest: It was decided to add a “technology component” to the “Overall Excellence category in New Media. It was further approved to add “on-line Commentary” to category I.5 Blogs. It was also approved that there be added an award for Overall Excellence for Websites that are independent of and not connected with any other journalistic enterprise (newspaper, magazine etc.).
Professional Development Workshop discussion. It was agreed to put on another such workshop sometime in April and locate it at County Government Center. Subject matter would be Access to Public Records and Governmental Math.
Mr. Wilson and Mr. Compton to cooperate on arrangements and participants.
Discussion on Board attendance. It was generally agreed that while all Board members are busy with their own endeavors, they owe it to the organization to do all in their power to attend as many meetings as possible. At present, the bylaws permit the removal of a board member who misses 3 consecutive meetings. Such action has never been taken, to anyone’s present memory. There was general agreement among those present to do their best and to urge their fellow board members to do the same.
There was a brief discussion regarding the Press Club supporting High School publications through the purchase of ad space. It was generally agreed that this was a worthwhile endeavor and that criteria and examples will be developed within a short space of time.
There being no other business before the Board, the Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Peter Cleaveland