James McClatchy, who worked as a reporter, business manager and executive for more than 50 years in his family’s newspaper company, died Friday (May 26) from complications from an infection following a recent surgery. He was a member of the fourth-generation of one of the state’s oldest newspaper families. His great-grandfather and namesake was a founding editor of The Sacramento Bee in 1857. His grandfather, C.K., owned and edited the paper for more than half a century. His father, Carlos, was the founder and first editor of the Fresno Bee. His aunt, Eleanor, ran McClatchy Newspapers for more than 50 years. And his brother C.K. was editor and president of the company in the 1970s and 1980s. McClatchy Co. is in the process of buying Knight Ridder Inc. Closing is set for next month. [Sacramento Bee story with a family tree (registration required)]
Newspaperman James McClatchy dies
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