’s Bambi Francisco says the web sites McClatchy is rolling out for its newspapers are a “Craigslist meets CitySearch-like service, behind a Google-like façade.” She says Christian Hendricks, who will oversee the Internet strategy of McClatchy and the Knight Ridder papers it has acquired, says the sites will be the place to find anything local. “So, if you typed in “BMW” in one of the local sites, you’ll get a listing of local news stories about BMW, advertisements from a local BMW dealer, and classified ads from someone in that local area selling a BMW. You really can’t get that anywhere today,” Francisco notes. “So, unlike CitySearch, McClatchy’s sites will make news and classifieds available. And, unlike Craigslist, McClatchy’s local sites will index competitor’s listings too. And, unlike Google, the sites are just local.”
McClatchy's web strategy: Google local
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