Minutes of the Jan. 18 meeting of the Peninsula Press Club Board of Directors.
Meeting was brought to order by Board President Micki Carter at 6:30 p.m.
Board members Peter Cleaveland, Ed Remitz, John Kane, Dave Price, Jamie Casini, Jon Mays and Executive Director Darryl Compton were present.
Board members Bill Workman, Aimee Lewis Strain and Jack Russell were absent.
The minutes of the December meeting were approved.
The minutes were amended to reflect votes via e-mail to raise Compton’s salary to $1,000 a year with an additional $1,000 for the annual awards contest. It was also voted not to change the contest rules and approve them as written.
The treasurer’s report was approved.
Old business
Newsletter deadline was moved to Jan. 25.
There was no update on the 2006 meeting dates.
Carter gave an update on Workman’s physical condition. Workman is out of his coma but not yet fully conscious. He is in Kaiser Hospital in Redwood City.
New business
Election results. There were 12 votes cast.
For president: Carter received five votes and was elected by the board. The board voted to suspend the rule that prohibits a president to serve more than two terms. The board did so to fulfill the will of the voters who called for Carter to remain president.
For vice president: Russell received 12 votes.
For treasurer: Remitz received 12 votes.
For secretary: Mays received 12 votes.
For directors; two-year term: Kane received 12 votes; Casini, received 11 votes and Cleaveland received 10 votes.
For directors; one-year term: Price received nine votes; Strain received nine votes and Workman received eight votes.
The deadline for the high school contest is March 31.
The date of the Evening of Excellence awards dinner was decided to be Thursday, June 1 at the Crowne Plaza.
The board voted to allow Google ads on its Web site.
Carter told Compton that Notre Dame de Namur University could send him an intern for assistance.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m. Minutes submitted by secretary Jon Mays.