Minutes of the Jan. 14, 2004 Peninsula Press Club meeting held at the San Mateo Daily News.
Michelle Carter, Darryl Compton, John Kane, Dave Price, Bill Workman, Justin Nyberg, Jon Mays. Jack Russell in attendance.
Meeting called to order at 6:20 p.m.
1. Minutes of the Dec. 17 meeting were approved.
2. Dave Price made a motion which Jon Mays seconded that the press club change its mailing address to 4317 Camden Ave. in San Mateo. The board also authorizes Darryl Compton, Bill Workman and Michelle Carter to be on the signature card and to represent the Peninsula Press Club as authorized signatories.
3. The treasurer’s report was tabled.
4. Awards competition. The board voted to hold the annual awards ceremony on Thursday, May 27 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Foster City. If that date is unavailable, the ceremony will be held Wednesday, May 26.
In the discussion leading up to the vote, Compton asked for help in soliciting press clubs to judge entries and announced that rules, membership renewal and the newsletter will be available in electronic form. Compton also announced he is e-mailing daily and weekly newspapers in the greater Bay Area to solicit additional entries.
5. Scholarship. The board voted to keep the Herb Caen Scholarship as is.
6. Newsletter deadline. Carter asked for submissions for the newsletter by Jan. 15.
7. High School Competition. Lewis volunteered to assist with the high school competition. There was some discussion on communicating with guidance counselors and PTAs to generate interest in the scholarship program.
8. Bench Bar media. Nyberg said he was interested in assisting with the bench bar media events. Lewis suggested holding a future meeting in San Francisco to discuss changes in the city’s administration.
9. New business. The board continuing strategizing on how to get a member of the San Mateo County Times on the board.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m. The next meeting of the press club is scheduled for 6:15 p.m. Feb. 11 at the San Mateo Daily News.